Saturday, 29 June 2013

Only 4 days to go!

It’s only 4 days to go before our Annual Exhibition opens.

Remember it is free admission from 4 July to 2 August 2013. It’s a great opportunity to buy a great piece of original art at very reasonable prices. The Derby Rooms, Leigh Library are very easy to get to. There is plenty of parking around the town and it has a large bus terminal which is a hub for excellent public transport from Warrington to Bolton and from Wigan Across to Manchester.

Also, if you are an artist or would like to become one and like what you see, we welcome new members who want to be part of a very friendly and sociable club.

We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Leigh Community Art Group

Friday, 28 June 2013

Forging links with the community.

When LCAG launched online our aim was to reach as many people as possible, particularly those within travelling distance of Leigh Sports Village where we meet every Monday at 18.30 to 20.30. 

Currently everyone in the club is very busy preparing everything for the Annual Exhibition 2013. However after 3 July we will go back to our "normal" activities and look forward to meeting new members as our recruitment drive really gets under way.

At the moment links are being forged across the Wigan/Atherleigh area with numerous groups and individuals who have shown interest in our activities and us in theirs. It will be several weeks before everything settles down and runs fairly smoothly.

Our website is under development and progressing steadily. Members have given priority to artworks going into the exhibition but that should change in the coming weeks.

It looks like this blog has been far more successful than we hoped and more so than the website. However they will work in unison as the website is designed to display work more satisfactorily than our Twitter / Facebook accounts and has the bonus of being accessible to all.  Twitter and Facebook are for signed in members only but have their own specific uses and reach different audiences.

If you have any comments please email them to Even if you don't like something, do let us know, as all feedback is appreciated.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

7 More days to go!

With only 7 days to go, all tickets for the opening night of out 2013 Annual Exhibition have now gone. However the work of the club can be viewed  Mon - Sat in the Derby Rooms, Turnpike Centre, above Leigh Library. (see map). There may be some days when the Exhibition is not open to the public but these have not yet been given to us, at the time of going to press.

Please remember that access to view the exhibition is free.

Obviously most of our members' work will be on show from next Wednesday but some has been kept back for a number of reasons. These will now be posted at regular intervals. 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Only 11 Days to Go!

Yes, it's only 11  days to go to the Grand Opening Night of our Annual Club Exhibition at the Derby Rooms, Leigh Library on 3 July 2013, (See Map). Another chance to see and / or purchase an original work of art by any of over 30 artists working in a variety of media.

Most of the artists will be present and available to discuss any commissions that may be required. This year the exhibition will be introduced by Mr Alan Beswick, the well known celebrity from BBC Radio Manchester who yet again has been kind enough to spare us his time and provide many interesting and amusing insights into the club and art in general. We are very grateful and appreciative of his repeated support for our club and its activities.

Admission to the club is free, although by ticket only on opening night,  Wed 3 July 6.30 p.m. There are a few tickets left so please ring 07974543123 for further details or email us at

If you cannot attend the exhibition we hold several weekend shows over the year. See list for details 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Leigh Community Art Group Annual Club Exhibition 2013

LCAG is pleased to announce the details of our Annual Exhibition.  As with our previous very successful exhibitions it will be held in the Derby Rooms, Leigh Library.(See Map)

Opening night is Wednesday 3 July 2013 at 6.30. Admission on the night is by ticket only. Tickets are free but numbers have been limited so if you wish to come please ring 079745431230 for further details.

 The exhibition runs until Friday 2 August 2013. After opening night the exhibition is open fully to the public and no tickets are necessary. All of the members bar myself(I used to work in Leigh) live locally and are worthy of your support.

The room is open Monday – Saturday except when needed for council business. A list will be posted as soon as we have these arrangements. However these closures are outside our control so you are advised to ring the above number to avoid a wasted journey.

Paintings are available for sale and collection on opening night and most of our artists will be available should anyone wish to discuss any aspect of the works on view or commission a new work.

We look forward to meeting those who have supported us so loyally over several years We welcome them and any new visitors.

Please note the annual exhibition is one of a number of events where paintings  by club members are for sale throughout the year. Details of forthcoming events are shown on a separate page.
Also we are in the process of developing our club website where all members are able to showcase their work and paintings can be bought or commissioned.